
Welcome to the best Yoga studio in LA!

Is Yoga Good for Your Health?

While the short answer to that question is a simple yes, the longer answer also encompasses how good it is both for your physical & mental health.

Known for providing long-lasting emotional & psychological relief and treating all types of anxieties, clinical depressions and getting rid of stress, yoga also enhances your body.

With a variety of asanas (postures) all meant to make particular parts of your body stronger and healthier, yoga has something to offer to anyone!

How It All Started…

Founded back in 1983, when the word yoga wasn’t resonating with the American public just as much as it does now. Now we’re the biggest best yoga destination in a 100 miles range!

Also, the fact that we’ve got some of the best yoga coaches on our team adds up to our popularity & high quality!

Experienced Coaches


Before I was referred here by my old good friend Janette, I never considered the fitness workouts routine to be so efficient. Now, my body proves me wrong!
- Emma Poppuri
Though I’m just in the middle of my first fitness “semester”, I am officially excited about how re-energizing and revitalizing this whole workout thing is!
- Alison Winnergate
I am amazed at how quick are the first results are, all of which I sincerely attribute to my newly found love for these fitness workouts! I lost some weight and I feel amazing!
- Joanne Stone
While I’ve never thought much about partaking in any kind of yoga classes, recently my good friend Janine invited me for a one-off session. I was so hooked up to the whole thing, that it’s now 4 years and running and I’ve probably….
- Gerladina Smith
Before I was referred here by my old good friend Janette, I never considered the fitness workouts routine to be so efficient. Now, my body proves me wrong!
- Julie Collins
I am amazed at how quick are the first results are, all of which I sincerely attribute to my newly found love for these fitness workouts! I lost some weight and I feel amazing!
- Steven Ayokee